
'The Sound World of Dafydd ap Gwilym'

As part of the conference a concert was held at the Dylan Thomas Centre on the evening of Wednesday 4th April 2007, where Dr Sally Harper of the School of Music, University of Wales Bangor, presented renditions of some of Dafydd ap Gwilym’s poems by Dr Meredydd Evans, accompanied on the harp by Bethan Bryn, and performances of solo harp pieces from the Robert ap Huw manuscript by Bill Taylor. The concert was supported by The Arts Council of Wales.

1. Yr Wylan (poem 45) on Gosteg Dafydd Athro (Robert ap Huw manuscript, p. 15)

2. Englynion i Ifor Hael (poem 12) on Cwlwm Cytgerdd on Makmwn Hir (Robert ap Huw manuscript, p. 23)

3. Moliant Ieuan Llwyd ab Ieuan Fwyaf (poem 7) on Gosteg Ieuan ap y Gof (Robert ap Huw manuscript, p. 20)

4. Y Gainc (poem 91, lines 1-8) on Cân y Pastwn

5. Caniad Pibau Morfudd (Robert ap Huw manuscript, p. 90)

6. Caniad Ystafell (Robert ap Huw manuscript, p. 38)

7. Cainc Ruffudd ab Adda ap Dafydd (Robert ap Huw manuscript, p. 57)

8. Gosteg Dafydd Athro (Robert ap Huw manuscript, p. 15)

9. Caniad San Silin (Robert ap Huw manuscript, p. 69)