Eve, noble enough,
lady, goddess of grace,
it is not necessary, girl with the appearance of snow before
4 to argue with you, one of frequent deception,
but that you should not destroy
ever the bond that was between us.
It would appear, my senseless darling,
8 that you do not recognize me, deceit is cruel.
Oh, were you drunk, splendid gem,
last year, a magic length of time?
A very proud and victorious girl,
12 may you decide on this, and the world will praise you:
if there was (a greeting with the beauty of love)
a single word between us, girl of the colour of the foam of a
and if there was once (a turning glance)
16 (an accuser's failing) praise, let there be again.
Do not seek satire like a miser
and don't be a miserable spinster.
Forgetfulness does not do a man any good,
20 dispraise in an awdl or an
The end result of forgetfulness is worry;
tower of your house, place your forehead
of golden hair under a fair mantle of gold;
24 call to mind, fair and modest Eve:
you would do harsh thing for me,
not good, fair Eve, was your memory.
Do not be for a long time unfaithful,
28 do not forget our former passion.