Ode to Ifor Hael
Well runs a wheel down a steep slope
or a gull on a channel;
twice as well runs, beneficial lord,
4 (I am a faithful servant) your praise, Ifor.
If the sea's benevolent weaving and its long wetting is good
on the anchor rope of an armed ship;
better do I weave, bravest door,
8 the tongue's praise for you, Ifor.
The tide of the sea-swell, a stone's mantle, does not grow a
([to] the pride of Arthur or Hector
a shining response [you are], door of proverb)
12 as praise grows for you, Ifor.
An easy life will come to you, fortunately-born lord, from me,
and a loving greeting;
an army's equal, door armed with steel,
16 the terror of the mighty, mighty Ifor.
Lord of the world's strength, [the] people of [the] four corners
[of the earth],
and Lord from the court of heaven with a bright choir,
may He be a strengthener on the earth-covering sea
20 (Lord of heaven) for strong Ifor.
Trader, fashioner of treasure for the sake of praise,
the dismay of Norman wealth, the principle element of praise;
hewer of a weapon of battle, weapons [forming] an Angle-vexing
24 the blessing he rowed the seas of Mary on Ifor.
The splendid nature of powerful Hercules, purple mantle [with a]
shining surface,
and open-handed Nudd of the best of deeds;
a water-palace at anchor is beautiful and sturdy,
28 not in a lowly manner was fine Ifor endowed.
There would not be, where there was [his] lack, [the ability] to
do without him,
may I not be without him, lord with a ready hand.
There will not be one giver superior or higher,
32 no-one was as high as Ifor.
Fair generous offspring (a ceaseless gift of mead)
of white-helmeted Llywelyn, shining kinsman.
Today there is not an honest lord with a white forehead
36 like successful Ifor, generous and constant.
He gives me an easy day, a ready showing of counsel,
an easy night of peace close to the fine lord.
Easy debate at [his] table, daily greeting,
40 [may] an easy life [come for one of the] mind of a
brother-in-the-faith of humble Ifor.
It's easy to praise [one] like Hector with an ox's thrust in
splendidly he scatters those of the same education as Deirans,
with the sturdy breastplate.
I sailed and found with a lively surge
44 the unceasing feast of fair and generous Ifor.
Fair, faultless ones, to poets a great door with a grid-patterned
lively harrower of a battle [on] the shore of the Severn.
Noah was long-lived, steadfast young lord [with] a shield,
48 may Ifor's life, an elegant sojurn, be longer.