Appealing to Dwynwen
Dwynwen, whose beauty is like hoar-frost tears,
from a chancel filled with blazing candles
well does your golden image know how to cure
4 grievous, wretched men yonder.
Whoever keeps vigil (a fair, radiant respite)
in your chancel, dazzling Indeg,
there is no sickness or heavy mind
8 which he'll bear within him from Llanddwyn.
Your humble flock is your holy parish,
I am sorrowful and full of care.
Because of longing for a lover
12 this bosom's all swollen with passion,
a long agony whose base is anxiety,
since I know (a true affliction)
that if I can't have Morfudd
16 (if I remain alive), my living will be futile.
Heal me (praise of a worthy lineage)
of my infirmity and feebleness.
For one year combine the role of love-messenger
20 to the girl with God's graces.
Unfailing golden image,
you need never fear sinful, ensnaring carnal desire.
God, whose peace is good, will not undo
24 what He has done, you won't leave heaven.
No strumpet will see you this year
whispering with us in adversity.
The angry, cruel-minded Jealous One
28 will not beat you with a stick, chaste-minded maid.
Go forth - because of your worthiness (keep silent)
no one will suspect you, virgin of a great host -
from Llanddwyn (a sure journey)
32 to Cwm-y-gro, gem of Christendom.
God did not reject you (an easy peace) -
boon to a whole nation - nor will man reject you.
Prayers' unerring work,
36 God will call you, maid with the black wimple.
May God, your host
(let that be borne in mind), restrain the husband's hands -
anyone who might seek to ravish her would be cruel -
40 as she follows me through the leaves of May.
Dwynwen, if you caused her to come once
under the boughs of May, and ensured a long summer day
(her poet's boon), good on you, fair maid;
44 Dwynwen, you were never wretched.
Show with your splendidly endowed graces
that you're no strumpet, prudent Dwynwen.
For all the earthly penance and its burden
48 that you did, replete with grace;
for the devotion (steadfast faith)
that you displayed whilst you were alive;
for the resplendent maidenhood
52 and the chastity of the fair captive flesh;
for the sake of the soul (if need be now)
of Brychan Yrth of mighty arms;
intercede, by your bleeding faith,
56 chaste darling, for my deliverance.